ShanDong KeHan Ecology Tech Co., Ltd
Add1: DaGuanYing Village, Mihe Town, Qingzhou city, Shandong Pro., CN
Add2: Masong Village, Huanglou Town, Qingzhou city, Shandong Pro. CN
Mobile 1: +86 18505365960
【Main Feature】
The special undercarriage, fitted with square hollow steel shoes and floating seal rollers, gives exceptional mobility on wetland and swamps. It boosts buoyancy and ruggedness too. The machine can be easily knocked down for quick transport to the next job site, as the upperstructure is bolted to the undercarriage through the support beam, and hydraulic piping employs quick couplers.
【Photo Show】
Shandong Kehan Ecology Tech Co., Ltd
Add1: DaGuanYing Village, Mihe Town, Qingzhou City, Shandong Pro., CN
Add2: Masong Village, Huanglou Town, Qingzhou City, Shandong Pro., CN
Mobile 1: +86 18505365960
Mobile 2: +86 18505365951